Cervelo TestTeam Races “Beyond the Peloton” With YouTube Channel

While the excitement of the Tour de France is typically on the road, there is much to see that isn’t part of the official coverage on TV. From the antics of the fans, to what it takes to prepare a pro team for this grand event, and finally just to the day to day happenings there is a lot “Beyond the Peloton.” And it can now be experienced from the official Cervelo TestTeam YouTube Channel, as it is presented in High-Definition from documentary film makers Joe Finkleman and Booker Sim, who let you return to France to see what the race footage failed to capture.

In addition to the event, the channel gives some great insight via past videos such as the New Cervelo Project California, or the how the Cervelo TestTeam ROTOR Q-Rings no doubt helped get the teams’ riders in the spin of things. So if you’re already waiting for next year’s Tour de France, this site might help you pass the time.

Cervelo TestTeam YouTube Channel