Despite High Awareness, Consumers Reluctant to Buy Fitness Gadgets

There’s never been a better time to get fit. Technology and the Internet have combined to make it easier than ever to record and track your health. From advanced pedometers like the Fitbit to wearable bracelets like Nike’s Fuelband, we’re living in an era where tracking your day-to-day health is as easy as updating your Facebook status.

However, a new study from New York-based NPD Group shows that while consumers are highly aware of all the latest health gadgets, many are still reluctant to purchase them. For instance, of the men and women polled for the NPD Group’s digital fitness study, only 9% have ever used a heart rate monitor. Making matters worse, nearly half of those who have used one have borrowed it from a friend or relative.

As far as popularity, heart rate monitors had the most consumer awareness closely followed by sports watches with GPS and handheld mobile GPS devices. Fitness apps and websites (like those from Weight Watchers and Jillian Michaels) were also popular among consumers, although pedometer apps received the highest level of consumer awareness.

Manufacturers could also learn a thing or two from this study as 47% of consumers said they wanted some form of music capability from their fitness gadgets while 26% cited ease of use and 26% cited affordability as top factors. 21% also said their fitness devices should connect to their computer.

Overall, the study shows that fitness gadgets still have a ways to go before they’re as ubiquitous as say an iPhone. Nevertheless, the fitness/gadget industry is still growing and currently making $70 billion per year. To stay on top of the latest announcements, you can rely on the entire Kinetic Shift staff to bring you the latest news and reviews of the gadgets and apps that can help you stay in top shape.

NPD Digital Fitness Study Finds One in Five Consumers Want Fitness Devices to Connect to a PC

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