Recon Rolls out 4th Gen Heads Up Display

Snow2Recon Instruments has introduced its fourth generation of heads up display for skiers and snowboarders, the Recon Snow2, which is designed to work with goggles from leading manufacturers including Oakley, Smith, Scottt, Uvex, Alpina, Briko and Zeal. The Snow2 is also available for sale as a stand-alone unit that can replace an older Recon HUD, and it offers improved connectivity options with Wi-Fi (IEEE802.11a/b/g/n). It even features “Made for iPhone” certification.

Recon Snow2 is power for those hitting the powder. It features an efficient dual-core processor, which results in three times the processing power and has a 35 percent increase in battery life from the previous generation of HUD. Snow2 also now offers a dedicated graphics processing unit providing enhanced brightness and contrast, and greatly increased screen readability. Features:

Performance Stats

Snow2 delivers crisp graphics and vital information just when skiers and snowboarders need them and keeps them out-of-sight when they don’t. Everything from speed, vertical descent, jump airtime, navigation and distance are calculated and displayed using a built-in precision GPS and an integrated suite of sensors. Advanced gaze detection means the Snow2’s display is only on when the user is looking at it.

Navigation & Buddy Tracking

Snow2 features a built-in GPS that enables full resort navigation, and when paired with a compatible Android or iOS device, provides real-time buddy tracking. The days of soggy paper trail maps are over, with Snow2 riders always know where they;ve been, where they’re going, and where their friends are.

Smartphone Connectivity

Pairing it with a compatible Android or iOS smartphone will allow users to receive texts, display calls and access music player controls all from within the HUD. With Snow2, users can keep their expensive smartphone safe in a pocket while staying connected.

Data Viewing and Social Media Connectivity

Things happen fast on the mountain and the Snow2 HUD tracks it all. With Recon’s new Engage mobile apps and website, users are able to download and process all the data that the HUD has recorded. From the Engage platform users can review and store stats and achievements, and share them via social media accounts.

API Compatibility with Recon Jet

Recon Snow2 shares the same computing platform with the company’s other innovation, Recon Jet, empowering developers to develop simultaneously for both. Â Snow2 and Jet have the same display size and resolution, and use the same Android-based OS. The open SDK, which extends the Android SDK (API level 17), allows developers to write apps that will run on either device. Â Both devices are also capable of connecting to some 3rd party peripheral controllers. Many developers are currently using Snow2 and its SDK as a dev kit for apps they intend to run on Recon Jet.

Recon Instruments Official Website

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