The Other 1%

treadmillThere is much hatred of the 1%, but at the same time 1% has seemed to be the default. No, we’re not talking about politics or economics. We’re actually talking about how there has been a long standing debate as whether 1% should be the default setting on a treadmill incline to simulate outdoor running. The idea is that running on a treadmill with a slight incline simulates the need to displace the air in front of the runner.

Casey Kerrigan, founder and president of Oesh Shoes, says that there is no science out there to support this theory.

In her blog she writes:

“What many people don’t realize is that in that same study, there was no difference in energy between running outside and on a treadmill with 0% incline for speeds up to 7.5 miles per hour (equivalent to a 8 minute mile). In any event, if you feel like it’s easier to run on a treadmill, all you have to do, is increase the speed.”

[Via Runner’s World: Biomechanics Expert Debunks Treadmill-Running Myths]
[Via Oesh: My Scientific / Personal Advice for Treadmill Training]