Made in America: Veteran-Owned Wiley X Celebrates the 4th of July

From WileyX:

Wiley X Eyewear, a leading provider of protective eyewear for U.S. soldiers and law enforcement, wants all Americans to pause on this Holiday to reflect on why it is and what it is we celebrate — the independence and freedoms we enjoy not only on this particular day, but every day of our lives.

As a veteran-owned company, Wiley X is keenly aware that our nation’s independence and our personal freedoms have been challenged and defended many times over the years — often by brave men and women far from home.

“We gather on July 4th to celebrate the birth of our great nation,” said Myles Freeman, Jr. Co-Owner of Wiley X Eyewear. “However, we tend to think of Independence Day as an historical Holiday, a celebration of events that happened more than 200 years ago. We need to remember and celebrate the uniquely American freedoms we enjoy today — and the sacrifices required to preserve them for future generations. As modern technology lets us see more of what goes on around the world, we’re reminded that freedom should never be taken for granted,” added Freeman.

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves!