Aspaeris Pivot Shorts Offer Women-Specific Compression

When it comes to compression, it’s certainly not one-size-fits all. And the sizing also applies to men’s and women’s garments. Aspaeris makes women’s-specific compression wear, including the Pivot Shorts. The Pivot Short is actually two pairs of shorts bound together to provide the features women need to improve performance, speed recovery and prevent injuries. Continue reading Aspaeris Pivot Shorts Offer Women-Specific Compression

Study Explains Difference Between the Sexes in Terms of Soccer

Research shows men kick the soccer ball differently than women. The study, published this month in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, finds males activate certain hip and leg muscles more than females during the most common soccer kicks – the instep and side-foot kicks. While men activate more muscles, the data may explain why female players are twice as likely as male players to sustain anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury.

“By analyzing the detailed motion of a soccer kick in progress, our goal was to home in on some of the differences between the sexes and how they may relate to injury risk,” said orthopaedic surgeon Robert H. Brophy, MD, the study author and assistant professor of orthopedics at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Continue reading Study Explains Difference Between the Sexes in Terms of Soccer