Weekend Reading List (08.24.2013): Upcycled Roof, Kobe Goes Anti-G, Cycle Cross

Upcycled Roof


From Gear Junkie: Metrodome Stadium Roof Material Made Into Luggage at Duluth Pack
In 2010, after a major accumulation of heavy snow in a storm, the roof of the massive Metrodome stadium in Minneapolis collapsed. More than three acres of the roof material, a Teflon-coated fiberglass fabric, had to be replaced. The material was headed to the landfill. But two people associated with the team made a deal to purchase the material for future use. Unveiled this past week, Minnesota brand Duluth Pack will construct a limited run of bags from the old Metrodome roof. Continue reading Weekend Reading List (08.24.2013): Upcycled Roof, Kobe Goes Anti-G, Cycle Cross

Almost Like Running in Space

In space no one can hear you scream. That’s an old science fiction line of course, but it has truth to it because sound doesn’t travel in a vacuum. What can travel in a vacuum is you, as in you can still run in a vacuum. The question of course is why would you want to do so?

Well, the answer is that running results in pounding on the joints, and this repetitive pounding on knees, hips and ankles isn’t good. The irony is that running is great for the heart. So how do you keep the running and reduce the pounding? A trip to the International Space Station would work, but that would be pricey. The alternative is an anti-gravity treadmill.

That might sound like something out of Star Trek but the technology is around today. The Alter G Anti-Gravity Treadmill allows runners to essentially climb into a shoe shaped enclosure, which utilizes pressure regulation that can reduce body weight from 0 percent to 80 percent. Users still have to suit up with a special pair of shorts, and while not as cumbersome as a full space suit, these aren’t exactly your normal running attire either. Continue reading Almost Like Running in Space