Samsung Rugby Smart Packs Both Brains and Brawn

If smartphones could defend themselves, the Rugby Smart would be the Rocky Balboa of Android phones.

The latest invinci-phone to enter the arena, the Rugby Smart bucks Samsung’s signature Galaxy S styling for a rugged exterior, joining the ranks of the Motorola Defy with the ability to withstand dust, humidity, rain, shock, and extreme temperatures. The military spec phone can even be dunked in up to 3 feet of water (for 30 minutes), making it an ideal pick for hikers and beach lovers alike. Continue reading Samsung Rugby Smart Packs Both Brains and Brawn

Phoning in Your Workout

No, you can’t send your phone on a run, but you can take it along with you for added benefits. The new touch screen handset Samsung Eternity II, available through AT&T, is packed with features including apps and GPS. The GPS allows for fitness tracking so you can chart your routes and where you biked, ran, or otherwise traversed in a cardiovascular manner. If you explored the trails at a local park and aren’t sure how far you actually went, you can review your journey post-workout and map the trails plus tabulate the distance.

What’s unclear is whether the GPS app just tracks distance, or also calculates grade and elevation so you can see your progress on those hill repeats. The Eternity II also has expandable memory up to 32 GB leaving plenty of room for music to take along on your workout. The two features, plus any upcoming apps available through the AT&T AppCenter, reduce the number of gadgets you take with you for a workout, and puts more power behind that muscle.

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