Axe And You Shall Receive

AxeTwo years ago Baden Sports introduced the Axe Bat to the world of baseball. It was meant to refine the way that batters gripped the bat.

Since that time Vijay Gupta, professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of California Los Angeles, along with a team of researchers have performed a study that shows that an axe-shaped bat handle offers players significantly more bat control, power transfer and acceleration while significantly decreasing the risk of injury compared to traditional bats with round knobs and handles.

The study, which used NCAA Division I baseball players and slow-motion video analysis, applied principles of dynamics and biomechanics to compare bats with axe-shaped handles to those with traditional round knobs. The analysis extended to comfort, bat control, transfer of power to the ball and injury potential.

“Looking at both handle types from a biomechanical standpoint, the angled knob with a flush backside offers many compelling advantages,” said Gupta, who authored the study. “This includes a more stable grip and a more even distribution of swing forces on the hand and palm, resulting in a safer, more comfortable, and more controlled swing.” Continue reading Axe And You Shall Receive