A Look at BH Group


Though you may not be familiar with the name, the BH Group has been around since 1909. The Spanish company has many different product lines that fall under the BH name; BH Fitness, BH Bike and BH HiPower to name a few are all dedicated to producing bicycles, fitness equipment and gear for all levels of athletes.

Recently BH has created a website to help people get into the sport of triathlons and guide those who all ready compete achieve their goal of performing better. BH’s website  is full of information regarding the gear required for a triathlon; training techniques; BH sponsored events; training programs; race results; videos; and much more. The website is for both amateurs and professionals in mind, with one goal in mind – to help you achieve your tri-goals!

Along with the triathlon website, BH also has an online group named Club BH Tri where users can participate in discussions, enter contests and be notified of upcoming events. The only shortcoming of the BH Triathlon website is that you might have to brush up on your Spanish… though most of the information is in English; there are still quite a few sections and buttons in Spanish.

BH Official Website