Infinity Plus One

InfinityWhen we think of the concept of infinity we think of more or at least endless, but the Infinity bicycle saddle is actually about less – or maybe it is more because it is less? We’re really confused on this one, but designer Dr. Vincent Marcel basically reinvented the saddle by inverting it. So instead of a convex shape to sit on he created a concave shape that has the bones rest inside the cutout with support on the muscles.

We first spotted the Infinity last fall when Marcel launched his Kickstarter campaign. He ended up with 1,330 backers and surpassed his $25,000 goal and then some. In the end he raised $188,340 to make the Infinity a reality. Now that it is a success he seems ready to get in production.

We’ve seen other saddles that look to do more with less, so we’ll be watching to see where this Infinity concept goes next. It could be nowhere it could be to infinity… you know the rest.

Infinity Kickstarter Site

Made in America: Selle An-Atomica Bike Saddles

While bicycle design has changed over the years, suspending of a piece of leather on a metal frame is one of the oldest forms of a bicycle saddle and still one of the best. The tension of the leather can be made tighter or looser by the turn of a screw, and the use of thick leather creates a ‘saddle’ that can often outlive the rider. Selle An-Atomica of Elkhorn, WI has taken this idea and created a line of bicycle saddles that uses a thick, suspended piece of leather, but cut a slot in the middle to make a ‘anatomic’ version of this classic saddle design.

The Titanico saddles are Selle An-Atomica’s answer to manufacturing a classic saddle yet making sure it fits in with the desires of the modern cyclist by incorporating a cut-out or anatomic design. This cut-out design has caught on in recent years due to its increased comfort level it provides to the rider. As best stated on their website “When you ride, the right and left sides of your pelvis move independently. There’s no reason your saddle shouldn’t move with them. We make the world’s most comfortable bicycle saddle. Period. From the patented slot carved out of watershed leather to the suspended leather design, you’ll feel the difference from day one.” Along with the Titanico saddles allowing the left and right sides of your pelvis to move independently, the slot also provides ventilation for those long days in the saddle and helps reduce sweat build up.
Video after the jump