Biodegradable Clothing Line Introduced

Puma’s new InCycle Collection is made with its end of life in mind. The collection, which includes shoes, clothing and accessories, that only contains items that will break down in one of two processes. This “biological cycle” features fiber materials that are organic and non-toxic and can be broken down by microorganisms into biological nutrients; while “technical cycle” items such as metal and plastic fastenings can be reclaimed through Bring Me Back programs and even sent to factories to be used in new items.

One example is the Puma Track Jacket (above), which is made of 98 percent recycled polyester that is derived from used PET bottles. Even the zipper is made of recycled polyester and the entire jacket can be turned back into polyester granulate and serve as a secondary raw material at the end of its run. The Puma line of InCycle products will be available for the spring collection.

Puma Official Website