Hands On: CEP Running Compression Socks

Compression technology has been gaining ground among athletes. Cyclists in the Tour de France (and all other bike races) use compression garments for recovery. Garments are also being worn for wear during competition and training. Runners and triathletes are also wearing the tight-fitting garments on runs and in competition. I was looking forward to trying a pair of Running Compression Socks after picking up a sample at SIA Snowshow in January. Yes, it’s taken me a while to test and then get my thoughts down.

I got the hot pink sock in a medium. The circumference of your calves determines the size. That’s where you get some of the real compression benefits. On the Classic model of the Running Compression Socks there’s fairly uniform compression up the leg and additional texture compression throughout the foot. Continue reading Hands On: CEP Running Compression Socks