Ready to Climax with ClimbAX

ClimbAXThere are plenty of fitness monitors that can track heart rate and performance, but the ClimbAX is designed with climbers in mind. This system consists of two rubber-coated wristbands that contain an accelerometer, orientation sensor, altitude sensor, a NAND memory chip, and a 16-bit microprocessor.

This can help detect the orientation of the climber’s arms and track movement and even composure. The wearer can get information that is presented via four metrics that look at power, stability, control and speed. This can determine the strength that was used, the ability to transition between holds and even the total time it took during a climb.

Unlike many fitness trackers that provide real-time monitoring the idea with this one is for climbers to analyze their efforts after an ascent. Trying to look at one’s wrists while climbing wouldn’t be a good idea now would it?

ClimbAX Official Website