Row, Row Your Workout

For 2012 you might be able to row to a better and fitter you! The American made Waterrower Rowing Machine offers all the benefits of hitting the Charles River without the need to set foot in Boston! What makes this rowing machine special is the WaterFlywheel that was specifically designed to emulate the exact dynamics of the boat as it sails across the water.

Water is 800 times denser than air and thus this machine requires no mechanical dampening or resistance. Instead the water provides a “natural” feel, and creates just the right rhythm of motion as well and once you get in the rhythm of things you might feel as if you’re gliding on air as much as powering down stream!

Video after the jump

Row, Row Indo-Row

Rowing machines have long been praised for providing an ideal workout. While many devices at gyms have come and gone, the rowing machine has long remained a staple. Rowing actually provides a really decent workout, and when done right uses 60 percent legs, 20 percent arms and 20 percent core muscles. Thus rowing can provide a really good workout.

The problem with many machines is that they don’t quite capture the same type of physical activity as actual rowing on water. Worse still the best rowing machines do the job, but then take up so much room that even health clubs are reluctant to utilize them. Some boats seem only slightly bigger. Continue reading Row, Row Indo-Row