Kinetic Gets Training Partner for Winter THAW

KineticThis month Kinetic announced that it has teamed up with training experts at Carmichael Training Systems (CTS), and this will provide cyclists who use the innovative Kinetic by Kurt trainers access to indoor training advice and coaching that can help them go the distance this winter.

The new partnership, which runs through all of next year, kicks off with a special Winter T.H.A.W. (Train Hard And Win), which includes a new Kinetic Road Machine Trainer, three months of CTS full-service coaching and a Train Right Climbing series DVD set. This also includes a 100 percent personalized training schedule, power file analysis and schedule adjustments.

Winter T.H.A.W. Official Website

What Bike? The Wattbike!

Wattbike have announced the release of its new and enhanced indoor cycle trainer. This bike, which will help riders stay in shape and in gear through the winter months, offers a new user interface with increased responsiveness, while also offering improvements to the display of key performance parameters including heart rate, power and cadence. This training cycle even offers redesigned handlebars to replicate the feel of a road bike. The bike is ready to get rolling – even if it just stays in the living room.

Wattbike Official Website

BKool Trainer is Cool Indeed

One big trend at this year’s Interbike trade show was virtual trainers, and while we didn’t see BKool at the show, the Spanish brand of cycle trainers has been developing its own software system for four years. BKool offers an online component so riders can compete against others either recorded or live, plus power output, personalized training sessions with automatic resistance changes via the laptop. Continue reading BKool Trainer is Cool Indeed