Retro Replicas

De-MarchiItalian clothing brand is going back in time with a line of replica jerseys. These will be made in Italy with 100 percent merino wool. This is fitting as the company launched in the late 1930s with a line of homemade cycling attire. Now 80 years later the company has launched the Authentic line, and has launched an e-commerce site to sell the jerseys. We hope to see more cyclists donning these retro jerseys in the New Year.

De Marchi Official Website

History Repeated (On a Jersey)


It is often said that those who fail to learn from history are destined to repeat it. That probably isn’t what De Marchi had in mind, but those who do know some cycling history can wear it!

The company is introducing a line of historical jersey reproductions from cycling’s “golden age” and this limited edition series features attired based on what were originally manufactured by the Italian clothing brand, which has been designing and producing cycling wear since 1946. Reproductions of old team jerseys will feature two front pockets and these include the 1951 Wilier jersey worn by Antonio Bevilacqua and the 1949 Atala worn by Luison Bobet. The line will also include the 1967 Mainetti worn by Marino Basso, the 1969 SCIC worn by Vittorio Adorni, the 1972 baby blue Salvararni worn by Felice Gimondi, and the 1975 Filotex worn by Francesco Moser.

De Marchi products are distributed in the U.S. through Bicycle Technologies International.

Bicycle Technologies International Official Website