2013 CES: Fork Lift

What is the best way to stay fit? We think not getting out of shape in the first place. And the best way to lose weight is not to put in on. One way to better manage weight gain can be better managing how much you eat. There are endless diets, scales but now the developers of the HAPIfork have another thought.

At CES they showed off the digital fork that was developed for clinical use to encourage slower eating, and thus giving the body time to digest and feel full from more moderate food intake. There is even a soup spoon attachment as well. Video after the jump

FitClick.com Launches App

Wouldn’t it be grand if you could just click to get on a diet and lose weight? You could click on an app, and see the pounds just fall off. Well, there is NOT an app for that, but there is a new app that will let you keep track of what you’re eating and your workouts. The FitClick Diet and Workout Tracker is the first to offer a full suite of diet and workout features. The app, which is available for the iPhone, works as a calorie counter and food journal, while it can provide customizable diet plans plus workout routines – so you can burn to earn. The tracker portion can calculate calories burned from more than 800 exercise demo videos. Users aren’t tied to one set routine either, and can instead create their own diet plans and workout routines, or if you’re looking to get straight to it, you can use one of the thousands of member-created programs that are already available.
The app further contains a database of 118,000 foods along with 12,000 recipes. Additionally, the FitClick iPhone App can work as a full-service companion to the FitClick website, providing real-time access to diet, fitness and weight loss programs. Users aren’t tied to one set routine either, and can instead create their own diet plans and workout routines, or if you’re looking to get straight to it, you can use one of the thousands of member-created programs that are already available.
The app is available from the Apple App Store now.

FitClick.com iPhone App Official Site

Eat Right in March, and Continue

American Dietetic Association National Nutrition Month
March is National Nutrition Month, a time to look at what you eat and how you exercise.

This month is National Nutrition Month, a campaign created by the American Dietetic Association to raise awareness of our diets. It’s a time to learn to make informed food choices and reinforce your physical activity habits. This is low tech, unless you want to use the Web to research exercise, nutrition, and recipes. That’s all good. But we’re all for the diet and exercise the ADA is promoting here. So see it as a time to evaluate, and learn about what you can do to increase your fitness and overall health.

American Dietetic Association