Motorola New Music Plus Fitness Trainer For the MotoACTV Life

Last August we heard about the MotoACTV and now it has arrived. This is the new fitness device from Motorola that promises to help users burn calories while listening to some tunes. In truth this concept has been around pretty much since Sony developed the Walkman – listen to music and be active.

But Motorola is taking this a whole new level with the MotoACTV (hence the name), where the device not only plays the tunes but keeps track of the user’s performance in the process. The device relies on AccuSense technology and GPS to track vital stats by gauging time, distance, speed and heart rate; while providing this data, along with calories burned to the user. This data can further be uploaded to the MotoACTV website for post-workout performance analysis. In other words this device is pretty much like most other heart rate monitors and wearable fitness computers. Continue reading Motorola New Music Plus Fitness Trainer For the MotoACTV Life