Donkey Does It

Donkey-LabelCycling socks come in two varieties: there are the plain Jane socks that have no style and then there are the over-the-top patterns that could be considered a little too much. Donkey Label is offering something in between with its new Merino wool socks, which are constructed with high quality fabrics but in a flat-knit crew style.

These also feature a single stripe of color that runs along the heel, providing an eye-catching accent. In addition these are designed to control bacteria and prevent odor for repeated street and office wear.

Donkey Label Official Website

Come Clean

Donkey-Label-SoapWhen we heard about Donkey Label’s line of handmade soap we thought, “The first rule of fight club is that you don’t talk about fight club.” Of course we think that even when buying soap at the grocery store. Donkey Label’s soaps won’t get you in the fighting spirit, but these handmade soaps will help to remove grease and grime and are made of pure natural and organic ingredients – but not of the kind that Tyler used we hope.

These can cut through grease so these are ideal for riders or those who work on bikes. Imaginary friend not included.

Donkey Label Official Website