Playground Power

Empower-PlaygroundKids seem to have a lot of energy, and perhaps playtime can mean power time. Empower Playgrounds has developed a merry-go-round that generates electricity. The company president Ben Markham came up with the concept while in Ghana, where he took part in an 18-month stint volunteering.

According to reports a healthy 8- to 12-year-old can generate about 150 watts of energy per hour whilst vigorously playing, so Markham took this idea and created playground equipment that can utilize this power.The equipment is designed to turn a windmill generator with more than 70-percent efficiency, and the power can be used to help provide power that can be stored for later use by the school.

Empower Playgrounds
[Via Fast Company: A Merry-Go-Round That Turns The Power Of Play Into Electricity]