Refuel Based on Sweat

Fuel-StripWhile it is easy to just grab a handful of some sports chews and eat until you feel “full,” Fuelstrip works another way. These wearable strips actually analyze an athlete’s sweat levels during a workout, and then recommends the appropriate amount of sports nutrition to eat. The strips will change color from orange to yellow to green to blue based on the athlete’s glycogen depletion progresses. The color determines the number of Fuelchews needed to maintain energy. An orange strip requires one chew, while yellow requires two. That takes the guessing game out refueling.

Fuelstrip Official Website

Interbike 2013: Kids Feel the Honey Stinger

HoneyStingerKidsKids are as active as you are, maybe even more. But their nutrition requirements are different. So giving them an adult-size nutrition bar might be overkill, and push them over the daily recommended calorie and fat intakes for the day. Honey Stinger is addressing this need with Kids’ versions of their popular Organic Waffles and Organic Chews. Continue reading Interbike 2013: Kids Feel the Honey Stinger

Caffeinated Sting

Honey-StingerHoney Stinger’s line of energy chews have always been a good option for cyclists putting in serious miles. A few bites are enough to help riders go the distance, and the company has now introduced a caffeinated cherry cola flavor to its lineup.

Each packet of chews contains 160 calories with 32 milligrams of caffeine derived from white tea. Cherry Cola Energy Chews are gluten-free and dairy-free and provide 100 percent of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C. This flavor of chews contains 95 percent organic ingredients.

Chew and go.

Honey Stinger Official Website


Raisins, Natures Sports Chews

Those California Raisins are putting themselves back in the spotlight, or sunlight. A new study finds that raisins are as effective as sports chews for fueling workouts. Researchers at the University of California-Davis conducted the study, which was published in the Journal of International Society of Sports Nutrition. Continue reading Raisins, Natures Sports Chews