Quick Fire

Fastfire-Fire-Starting-KitMaking fire was a defining moment in the history of man – but in today’s high tech world most of us don’t know how to make a fire without a lighter or matches. Sure we can do the Tom Hanks thing like when he was on that island, but the SOLKOA Fastfire Fire Starting Kit can be a lot easier.

The Fastfire material when contacted by a flame or just sparks creates a sustained 1,300 degree flame in seconds. The Fastfire solid cube produces a wind resistant flame that will ignite even when floating on water. The Fastfire solid is a high-energy tinder that resembles a piece of plastic foam, which is hermetically and individually sealed in heavy-duty Mylar wrap for long term storage.

Fastfire blocks can even be easily cut into smaller pieces as needed for extended survival or general use, and the full block will burn for 10-12 minutes. If cut into 8-pieces for extended use, each piece will produce a flame for 2-3 minutes; more than enough to ignite most kindling.

This could end the “quest for fire” – and if you saw that movie you’d know why this is such a good thing.

SOLKOA Survival Systems Official Website