Islabikes Clothing Now in Kid’s Sizes

Bikes come in children’s sizes, so why not bike attire? Now Islabikes, the maker of bikes for children ages two and up, have introduced a line of children cycling attire reports our friends at The line, which is currently available in the U.K., includes short-sleeved jerseys (£24.99), a winter jacket (£59.99), bib shorts (£26.99), thermal bib tights (£39.99), and leg (£19.99) and arm warmers (16.99).

Least a parent worry that their young rider will outgrow the clothing too quickly, it is noted that the clothing is designed with room for growth, while still including features and functionality that you’d see in adult cycling kits. These include breathable fabrics, reflective details and of course child-friendly zippers.

Company founder Isla Rowntree, a former British national cyclo-cross champion, said that the company introduced the children’s attire after getting many requests from their customers. It seemed the kids had the bikes and wanted to dress the part too.

[Via Islabikes release children’s clothing range]
Islabikes Official Website