Microsoft Kinect Used to Help Visually Impaired Do Yoga

YogaWhat is the woman in the photo above doing wrong? To those of us that don’t do yoga it looks like a typical yoga pose, but this is actually the incorrect Warrior II pose. For those who are visually impaired it might be hard to follow to visual cues when doing yoga. Now researchers at the University of Washington have developed a program, dubbed the Eyes-Free Yoga, which utilizes the Microsoft Kinect software to track body movements and provide auditory cues in real time for six popular yoga poses.

“My hope for this technology is for people who are blind or low-vision to be able to try it out, and help give a basic understanding of yoga in a more comfortable setting,” said project lead Kyle Rector, a UW doctoral student in computer science and engineering. Continue reading Microsoft Kinect Used to Help Visually Impaired Do Yoga