Motion Capture Provides Insight into Olympic Swimmer Techniques


Under the water, it can be difficult to see every kick and every stroke a swimmer makes. But Manhattan Mocap did just that with Olympic swimmer Dana Vollmer to analyze her butterfly stroke and underwater dolphin kick.

Manhattan Mocap worked together with the New York Times and the NYU Movement Lab to film Vollmer and create models of her strokes to analyze how the body and water move together. Findings can help coaches instruct swimmers in how to move better in the water to gain speed. A motion capture session might help a swimmer learn where their strokes go wrong, and how to correct them. Continue reading Motion Capture Provides Insight into Olympic Swimmer Techniques

Will 3D Change the Way the Game is Played

There has been a lot of talk this year about 3D, and what 3D means for sports. But most of the talk has been centered around how those sitting on the couch will experience the game, not in how it is played. So far the emphasis has been in watching sports in 3D on TV, but this weekend The New York Times reported that another facet of 3D is in the works, which could make the way the athletes prepare for the game – big and small. Continue reading Will 3D Change the Way the Game is Played