Kinetic(Mis)Shift: spnKiX Motorized Skates

We have nothing against the concept of motorized skates, but then again we have to wonder why anyone would want to spend nearly $700 on these things? Well, unfortunately that’s what the spnKiX will set you back. Originally the company, which raised money via Kickstarter to bring these strap on skates to market, were going to sell for $375, but apparently production didn’t quite work out as expected.

The result is a very expensive set of skates for those weighing less than 180 pounds and want to travel a short distance. In other words these aren’t practical for most commuters, take up to five hours to charge – and only support 500 cycles –and don’t appear to be the easiest things to use. In other words, might we suggest a pair of roller skates instead?

[Via Gizmag: spnKiX motorized skates now available to buy]

Kinetic(Mis)Shift are products that we think deserve to be called out for their utter lack of fitness benefits