Nax to Grind

NaxThe Nax 2.0 doesn’t look like an axe, but that’s kind of the point. While axes served a purpose for centuries the Nax 2.0 is a 21st century take on the chopping tool. It was designed in collaboration with special forces soldiers, survival gear aficionados and preppers. The result is a multi-tool for the wilds that combines the features of kukri knife – the blade used by Nepalese Gurkhas for centuries – mixed with that of a machete and hatchet.

This easy-to-carry tool offers 4130 chromoly steel blade with a professional, zero ground edge. The blade was heat-treated to +48 HRC hardness so it can stand up to the end of the world and then some. It also includes a pommel with a pry and bottle opener, built-in gas shut-off wrench and a handle that is wrapped with 550 paracord. We’ve seen a lot of tools for the end of the world and this is one to add to that list.

Nax 2.0 Via Gear Up