Cargo Hauler

Yuba-Mundo-LuxRiding to the store isn’t such a bad idea, until you picked up just a few more things than intended. A road bike can’t easily be weighted down with a week’s groceries, but this is where bikes like the Yuba Mundo Lux come in. This is designed to carry heavy cargo – and it even features a NuVinci hub that can make the going a whole lot easier. Video after the jump

Shifting Gears… For You

Tired of shifting gears so much? The AutoBike, which features a NuVinci system, will do the shifting for you. The Michigan-based company is launching its automatic transmission line of bicycles that are aimed at commuters. These feature a Nuvinci N360 CVP hub, which offers continuously variable gearing.

This system reportedly analyzes the rider’s actual condition (speed, grade, gear ratio and cadence) and determines when it is time to do the shifting – so you don’t have to. Continue reading Shifting Gears… For You