WeBike Brings the Cycle to You and the Office

We have seen a few attempts at creating a way to peddle at the desk? Most of these hybrid desk chair/bicycles would probably seem out of place at most offices however. Belgium’s We-Watt has taken the concept in another direction, putting a fresh spin on it.

Rather than being the chair you’re using your desk all day, the WeBike is three-person circular table so you can get into the spin with two of your colleagues. This could be used for meetings, or during the break. It set the table is an interactive LED ring display in front of each seat, which indicates the amount of human power being generated. This power can even be used to juice up and recharge mobile devices through the pedal power created by you and your coworkers. Continue reading WeBike Brings the Cycle to You and the Office

Kinetic(Mis)Shift: Workout Chair from GymyGym

All work and no workout will make Jack a dull and out of shape boy. To address this issue GymyGym have introduced a chair that includes numerous bungees, so you can workout while working the day away. With this chair and some overtime you could be the most toned office drone around… or maybe taking a break to get in an afternoon walk would be so much better.

 Kinetic(Mis)Shift are products that we think deserve to be called out for their utter lack of fitness benefits.