League Notes Common Cause With AAA

Cars are often considered the enemy of cyclists but at this week’s 2013 National Bike Summit, hosted by the League of American Bicyclists the advocacy group noted that it found common ground with the AAA – the Automobile Association of America.

“At first glance, it may seem surprising that AAA would be a leading voice at the National Bike Summit, one of the biggest bicycle advocacy events of the year,” said League President, Andy Clarke. “But AAA has become an important partner in our work to raise awareness about the benefits of biking, improve the safety of cyclists, and promote and protect the rights and responsibilities of all road users.”

To this end the AAA has debuted a new Share the Road Public Service Announcement (PSA) that highlights the dual identity of many road users: driver and cyclists. Hopefully this will result in real sharing of the road and mutual respect from both sides. Video after the jump