Protecting the Package with Kevlar

There is underwear that might be fun to wear, underwear that is meant to entice and then there is the “Blast Boxers,” underwear developed by the British military to offer special protection down there! The U.S. Army apparently liked what it saw and has developed the Pelvic Protection System or “Kevlar boxers” or “combat underpants.”

The underwear might not reduce chafing or provide better support, but rather is designed to help dismounted soldiers from the devastating effects of improvised explosive devices. According to the U.S. Army, “Soldiers who stepped on an IED might suffer injuries that required amputations which didn’t leave enough of a limb for a prosthetic leg, for instance. But those Soldiers were also suffering extensive damage to the perineum region, the part of the body that includes the anus and reproductive organs.” Continue reading Protecting the Package with Kevlar