Golf is Rad? Really!

‘Golf’ and ‘rad’ are two words that I would never imagine being used in the same statement. Though there are plenty of young players on the course, golf still conjures up images of Ted Knight and the pompous golfer he played in Caddy Shack. The golf ball manufacturer, PunkRockz, has made it their mission to change the way golf is viewed.

Even the company notes that “golf is rad,” and asks, “so why does it have to be so serious and stiff.” We agree, that golf should be about relaxing and having fun, which is why we like what PunkRockz has to offer in the way of innovative and yet entertaining golf products.

Based in Madison, Wisconsin, PunkRockz is a company comprised of skaters, surfers and snowboarders who also love to play golf. Their products are inspired by music, art, fashion and action sports; and this ‘attitude’ is reflected in their marketing and current golf ball, ‘The Skull‘. Continue reading Golf is Rad? Really!