Audi Sports ‘Wood’

Bicycles and automobiles are more intertwined that you may think. Several automobile manufacturers were actually started as bicycle manufacturers or key players dabbled with bicycles before becoming involved with automobiles. The now defunct Pierce-Arrow Motor Corporation started as a bicycle manufacturer and Carlo Maserati got his start in engines while working at a bicycle manufacturer near Milan, Italy. In recent year, Porsche, Ferrari, BMW, Cadillac and Mercedes have lauched their own line of bicycles to more than likely capture additional revenue after they have sold an automobile. The new car owner can buy the hat, jacket, pen, sunglasses…why not the bike? Saab was clever and sold a Saab bicycle that was folding so that it could fit inside your car just in case you could not park near your final destination. Most of the modern bicycles offered by automobile manufacturers are in reality designed and built by bicycle manufacturers. It is possible that the car company designs the bikes and specs the components, but they certainly are not making them. Continue reading Audi Sports ‘Wood’