Shake and Tone

Dumbbells are just not intelligent. You have to lift them, lower them, and know how to use them in order to get results. The Shake Weight is one part gimmick, one part intelligence for your workout. It’s shaped like your typical dumbbell, but has an accordion gasket on each of the weighted ends to give you Dynamic Inertia, which claims to increase muscle activity by as much as 300 percent compared to traditional weights. A Shake Weight workout is also completed in six minutes compared to half an hour of toning and sculpting.

Pick up the weight, give it a little jolt and hold it while you jiggle the Shake Weight in one of a number of positions. Hold the weight with both hands in front of you and tone your triceps, biceps, and chest. Weights come with a DVD that shows you several moves to tone your targeted areas such as your upper arms. Other workouts such as the firm — with controlled, slow movements, promised to do more for your fitness in the past. This one may also overpromise. But it’s a but welcome to see an update to the classic dumbbell.

Shake Weight