Print and Go


We knew 3D printing was going to change the world. We’ve seen 3D printed as a concept technology for shoes and even bike parts, but the gang at Signal Snowboards printed up a board. David Lee and the gang from Every Third Thursday used the latest in CAD drawing technology and a carbon-based powder to print up a board ready for the slopes.

ETT: The worlds first 3D printed snowboard


Board of Glass


In last week’s Every Third Thursday, Signal Snowboards’ founder Dave Lee left the factory to travel across the sea to an Italian glass factory to create a handmade glass snowboard—the most delicate build to date!

Signal Snowboards: Every Third Thursday

Non-Cents Snowboard


The guys at Signal Snowboards, home of Every Third Thursday have come up with many great ideas but for January’s snowboard build it was a bit of nonsense – or rather the Total Noncents Penny Snowboard, which integrated pennies in the base and “penny traction” edges. Given that Lincoln’s birthday is next month maybe they should have waited, but that’s just our “two cents”

Signal Snowboards ETT Official Website

Electrifying Solar Powered Snowboard: Every Third Thursday


The sun shines brightly on this month’s episode of Every Third Thursday. Dave Lee and Signal Snowboards team up with Powerfilm Solar to create a solar-powered snowboard!

Every Third Thursday Hears the Call


Life is more than just snowboarding, even for the guys at Signal Snowboards. There are video games to play and ‘tis the season of the biggest releases, with Activision’s Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 arriving in full force. So for this month’s Every Third Thursday the gang set to create a Black Ops 2 Bulletproof Snowboard.

Signal Snowboards Every Third Thursday

Every Third Thursday Introduces the Bra Board


The guys at Signal Snowboards have made a lot of special boards, but in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month they dedicated last Thursday to making the Bra Board. The crew teamed up with Keep-A-Breast (KAB) that created a custom board that included a breast cast of Signal’s graphics leader Meg Smith.

Keep-A-Breast Official Website
Signal Snowboards Every Third Thursday Official Website

Split Board Designed to Survive in the Wilds

Those crazy guys at Every Third Thursday often create snowboards and surfboards that are solutions without a problem – and we do mean that in the nicest way. So it was no surprise to hear that they created the latest creation is such a board.

Introducing the Signal Snowboard Survivor Split, a one-of-a-kind board, that could be a dream for the snowboarding mountain man. It can cut wood, start a fire or even be used as a shovel. As the name suggests this board can split into skis to allow backcountry boarders to ski up the mountain and then down again – that in itself is pretty ingenious. Video after the jump

Every Third Thursday Creates Snow/Surfboard

Don’t tell the guys at Signal Snowboards/Every Third Thursday it can’t be done. They’re created snowboards with iPads and boomboxes built in, and now they’re done what a lot of people would likely say can’t be done – a snowboard that can double as a surfboard!

Now on the surface a board is a board, right? Well, yes and no. Both do ride on water – just one is wet and the other is frozen. And while surfing has existed as long as man has tried to float, snowboarding is actually a fairly new concept. But the latter does often look to the former.

So how’d it work? Better than expected as the video below shows! Video after the jump