Sonic Walk Invents Wearable Speakers for Joggers and Cyclists

Tired of looking for the perfect pair of workout headphones? Sonic Walk has introduced a line of wearable mini speakers that let you rock out to your tunes without being tied down by wires or uncomfortable earbuds.

The entry-level 300 Series (Lightning; pictured) weighs 8.5 ounces and is designed for walkers, cyclists, and joggers. The strap fits snugly around your shoulders and features built-in speakers that can pump out your tunes, but also keep you aware of your surroundings (unlike most earbuds which drown out ambient noise). They even feaure a built-in LED band that lights up with the push of a button for night jogging. Volume controls are located on the strap itself as is a rechargeable 10-hour battery and pocket for your smartphone/MP3 player. Continue reading Sonic Walk Invents Wearable Speakers for Joggers and Cyclists