Move Over SimCity, CaveSim Has Arrived

For those who like the idea of caving – also known as spelunking – but don’t like the idea of getting dirty, or worse trapped underground for all eternity, CaveSim might just be for you. Instead of crawling through natural caves or underground caverns, CaveSim puts you in a virtual in your cave environment. It even add a video game like scoring system as you wear electronic sensors that track your personal efforts will you compete against others.

Designer Dave Jackson, a caving hobbyist, used his MIT engineering degree to create CaveSim. He came up with the idea after participating in a cave rescue seminar, where organizers created a virtual cave of their furniture and tape. Jackson felt this lack and immersing environment, and after two years in development created his own virtual cave. This simulated environment offers built-in electronic sensors to track the user’s performance. CaveSim thus encourages you to crawl through this virtual cave as you would an actual natural chasm. Continue reading Move Over SimCity, CaveSim Has Arrived

Multiuse Headlight

As summer comes to an end dusk comes a little earlier. This means night time riding is picking up as well, and here is where a little illumination can ensure that you get home safely. River Rocks Designs has introduced a new affordable wearable light for cycling, hiking or even for spelunker helmets.

The TecTrek Headlamp is hands free and compact. It features a weather proof O-ring polycarbonate casing, with a l125 lumen LED light that is ideal for dark inside and outdoor activities. The light features multiple color modes – including red for night vision retention or emergency use, blue for fluid tracking, and green for night map reading. The red can also be switched to repeat to be used as single light.

The headlamp also allows for an adjustable focus, from long range to wide field soft light, and can be dimmed when the brightest light isn’t needed. It can run on full power white light for more than four hours, or low setting for over 20 hours, and green for greater than 100 hours! About the only downside is that it runs on AAA alkaline batteries, but at $34.99 it still sounds like a great deal and a good way to shed some light on your nighttime activities.

River Rock Designs, Inc. Official Website