Swimsense Tracks Performance in Pool

We’ve seen no shortage of devices for tracking your progress whilst running or cycling, but what about those in the pool? In fact, we’ve often heard from various heart rate makers that it is actually difficult to track an athlete while they’re in the water. But someone has had the sense to find a way around that, and now FINIS has introduced the Swinsense (powered by SportsSense).

This groundbreaking training tool can actually capture critical performance data. It is worn much like a wrist watch and it uses an accelerometer, magnetometers and proprietary algorithms to help users identify how they swim. Out of the pool users can analyze their performance on the dive with pace times, distance (calculated in meters/yards or even laps), stroke count, stroke rate, distance-per-stroke and of course calories burned across all four major strokes.

User cans further take the performance data and have it uploaded to the FINIS Swimsense training log for additional analysis, and keep a running log with historical review. The Swimsense Performance Monitor will be available this holiday (MSRP: $199.99). Think of it as your sixth sense for your swim training.

FINIS Swimsense Performance Monitor