First Person Shooter

Tek-ReconWe do love our first person shooter video games, but these don’t really provide much of a workout. While we’ve worked up a sweat from playing these it isn’t the kind of “good sweat” that you get from actually running around. Tek Recon could be the new ultimate first person shooter.

It isn’t as messy as paintball and doesn’t really require a special place to play like laser tag. This game has players use special “blasters” that shoot soft projectiles up to 75 feet, while these can be integrated with an iOS or Android device that provides a heads up display, radar tracking and even in-game chat. The result is an action game that is very much like a video game but one that requires real world activity.

The developers are now engaged in a Kickstarter campaign. We think of this as their way of doing a little recon for Tek Recon. Video after the jump