Stake Some Light

StakeLightWe’ve seen UCO’s line of LED lights for camping and have been impressed, but this is one company that continues to innovate. The company has introduced its new StakeLight, a tent stake that as the name suggests features a built-in light.

With a 17-lumen LED light encased in the water-resistant housing the light can help users avoid tripping over a tent rope while getting up in the night to answer nature’s call. The StakeLight features both strobe and steady modes and can can for up to 24 hours from a single AAA on strobe setting. Dare we say this is a bright idea?

UCO Official Website

Pin Lights the Night

Camping in the backyard means there is likely no shortage of light, but real camping out in the wilds probably means that when the sun goes down and the camp fire goes out things can be a bit dark. For those not familiar with their location this can be a bit dangerous in the night – such as when answering nature’s call.

But Pin Light, which was designed by Jung Su, Kim Dong Hwan, Yoon Ji Soo and Yoon Jae Sun and won a RedDot design concept award, is a simple concept that will help light the way at night. Essentially the Pin Light is tent stakes with built-in LED lights. As with the type of LED lights that are used to provide some illumination around a garden these are juiced up via the solar panels. While still in development these Pin Lights might make sure a trip to relieve one’s self doesn’t result in a trip over a tent line.

[Via RedDot: Red Dot Winners]