Made in America: Dirt King USA Tricycles

The day after Thanksgiving in the U.S. officially kicks off the Christmas shopping season. Some of you might have been proactive and have gotten all of your shopping out of the way, but if you are like many, you haven’t even started to even think about it. If you have not started your shopping yet and there is a toddler or even a big kid on your list, you might be interested in checking out the tricycles from Dirt King USA.

Dirt King USA of WaKeeney, KS is a subsidiary of MCM Manufacturing Inc. After being in the agricultural manufacturing business for 13 years and later expanding into the oil field industry, MCM created Dirt King in 1983 after both of those industries softened and the need to diversify was evident. The first Dirt King product was actually a scooter, but was soon followed by a three-wheeler or tricycle.

Video after the jump