Bike London

While Amsterdam could arguably be the cycling capital of Europe the Mayor of London looks to develop a new €1 billion master bike plan aimed at revitalizing urban cycling. This plan backs Dutch style infrastructure with a strong commitment towards better cycling routes, traffic restrictions and even so-called “Little Holland” style developments. This is just some of what could occur via a 10-year plan that could see the majority of the new infrastructure built within the first four years.

“Both the Mayor and I pay tribute to the London Cyclists’ Campaign, journalists, bloggers and other campaigners for driving the issue so far up the political agenda,” says Andrew Gilligan, London’s newly appointed cycling commissioner. Continue reading Bike London

Cycling Shoes For City Slickers

If you’ve ever commuted by bicycle in the big city you know there are a few issues to overcome. The first is making sure you actually make it to work safely, the next is making sure you’re not a huge sweaty mess when you arrive, and finally be dressed in the proper clothing for a day at the office.

The latter can be addressed by leaving a pair of shoes at the office and wearing cycling shoes for the commute – but what happens when you think you have shoes at the office and don’t? This happened to me personally once, and I spent the day wearing cycling shoes. While a good look on the bike, these don’t exactly work well the rest of the day. But Italian bike maker Cinelli and skateboard clothing company DVS are teaming up to create a urban cycling shoes reports our friends at BikeRadar.

The shoes are based on the DVS Luster skate trainer and will be available in two versions. One will be based on the Cinelli Pro Best of Italo 79 road bike, whilt he other will be based on the Vigorelli track racer. Either way the upcoming Luster Cinelli, which will arrive stateside in July (MSRP $68), will reportedly feature a high-abrasion rubber sole, full grain leather upper, stiffeners to aid efficient pedalling, reflective detailing, and a hidden tongue panel that also serves as a lace protector. These shoes look like they’ll be good for urban commuting, and look good off the bike.

[Via Cinelli release urban cycling shoe]

Cinelli Official Website

DVS Official Website