Polar Brings Out WearLink+ Bluetooth

This week Polar USA announced the release of the new WearLink+ transmitter with Bluetooth, which seems to be the hot new thing in heart rate monitors this week. And the Polar version will work with Anrdoid and Symbian smartphones, allowing users to have the ability to use their handset to track their heart rate and fitness progress.

The Polar WearLink+ will work with mobile training applications including RunKeeper, Sports Tracker and Endomond, and get precise data while working out. After each training session, users can share workout data and examine their heart rate and training intensity in greater detail through the web services of their application provider.

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Polar and Nike Partner Up for New Heart Rate Monitor


These are two companies that just go together so well, Polar and Nike. What’s not to like? So we’re quite pleased to note that Polar and Nike have introduced the Polar WearLink+ heart rate monitor, which will work with Nike+ SportBand and the Nike+ iPod Sport Kit.

The kit will improve the training experience of the Nike+, devices, such as Sportband or iPod. After training, runners can have their heart rate data transferred to the Nikeplus.com website, where it can be tracked to see how long they ran in their target range, and see how their heart rate progress over time. The WearLink+ is also compatible with most Polar training computers (those using 5kHz transmission technology), and this allows for monitoring from both Nike+ and Polar computers to be used at the same time.

The Polar WearLink+ will be available later this month in the United States, and in Canada and Europe in July through Polar retailers, Nike stores and even the Apple Store.

 Polar website

Nike website