Power Caster Gives Disabled Ability to Fish

We’ve seen a few new products to provide greater mobility for those in a wheelchair to get a little closer to nature, and now we’ve heard about the Power Caster, which enables those sitting in a wheelchair to regain the ability to launch a lure.

The Power Caster is operated by push buttons, and includes a joystick or even a sip & puff controller as well, to offer fairly precise control.  The device can be snapped to a wheelchair, and uses the chair’s power as well. Once the lure is launched the user can sit back and wait for the fish to bite – then the Power Caster can help reel in the big one.

[Via Ubergizmo: Power Caster allows disabled to fish]

Trackchair is the All Terrain Wheelchair

Many outdoor activities present a challenge for those in a wheelchair. Simple things such as a trek in the woods can be virtually impossible, but the Action Trackchair could provide a way for disable persons to venture off-road. It features an internal battery pack that offers up to eight miles of travel at a top speed of 5mph. It won’t allow the user to venture through the woods as if they were in a tank, but it could make it possible for users to go places that would be otherwise inaccessible.

The Action Trackchair is available from Action Manufacturing of Marshall, Minnesota. And while $9000 might not seem cheap, it is probably worth every penny to those who can experience a bit more mobility.

Action Trackchair Official Website
[Via Ubergizmo: Action Trackchair, the all-terrain wheelchair]