EA Sports Active Workout Works Out

EA Sports Active for Nintendo Wii

 Who says that video games can’t be used for real workouts? According to a new study conducted by Dr. John Porcari from the University of Wisconsin The EA Sports Active for the Nintendo Wii passed fitness guidelines for an effective workout put forth by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).

According to the findings the game could improve aerobic capacity and actually favorably affect body composition when used on a regular basis. So what’s the catch? Well, the reported added the usual “as part of a healthy, active lifestyle.” In other words, video games do need to actually get out and away from the console to do things like walk, ride a bike or get some other form of exercise, plus go for a diet that includes something green – and not just of the M&M variety. But this is still good news, as it does mean that the EA Sports Active game is actually more than a game.

When used according to ACSM guidelines, which include 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise five days per week, or 20 minutes of vigorous intensity exercise three days per week, this could be a game that actually is a good part of the healthy, active lifestyle.

EA Sports Active

FitByFun Offers PC Workouts


If you don’t have a Nintendo Wii but want the same basic coaching with your workout, power up the PC (chances are if you’re reading this it is already on), and go to FitByFun.com. The site offers the same Mii styled characters that you’d get on the Wii, and this game offers motions that you can copy.

There is no controller to track your movements however, so it is more a monkey see and monkey do thing, much like the old video workouts. But an online fitness instructor will give you directions, and based on the workout you choose the game’s display will tell you how many calories you’ve burned. This is again more game that true workout routine, but as a game it feels a lot less like a “routine.” And unlike many other games this one can keep track of your workout, so you can actually review your progress over time.

What makes this website workout really work checking out is that it is web-based (obviously), and as such can be done via a laptop – so this is good for those road warriors who can’t take along a Wii. And since it is designed like a class, it is a bit like hitting the gym, even when your’e traveling.

It won’t replace other workouts and as it is interactive you’re only going to get as much out of it as you put in. But if you’re looking to get started, and like to spend time in front of the computer, this one does offer some fun to your fitness.


Got 10 Minutes? Power Up the Wii

Commitment to working out is time consuming in itself. Just suiting up can take 10 or more minutes. That’s where 10 Minute Solution, a workout game for the Wii, really shines. A pair of five-minute, routines lets you squeeze in cardio time, and even a little ab workout to boot. The Wii version takes the popular 10 Minute Solution DVDs with fitness personality Jessica Smith to an interactive level. The start menu lets you select activities such as cardio boxing, step routines, and mixed games to get you into condition. Each program lasts five minutes, and the benefit of the Wii over the DVD version is the routines are anything but. The instructor selects moves dynamically rather than a practiced routine so it doesn’t get old.

Step things up with the Wii Balance Board to get you more active. The peripheral is not required, but gives you a platform to step on. Without the board the 10 Minute Solution doesn’t score on certain woukouts, but you’re in it for the cardio benefits, not a bunch of numbers. The Wii version also contains an ab workout, which is video taken from the DVD series and is talked about as a bonus. 10 Minute Solution for Wii has enough activity to get you in shape. The 10-minute workouts let you squeeze time in around your busy schedule, or between your kid’s game of Mario. Available at the end of May for a budget price of $19.99, a special bundle with one-pound weighted gloves will be available only at Costco in June.

10 Minute Solution for Wii