Zigtech Completely Cricket

When you mention Cricket to most Americans, we think of the noisy insect – the one that was friends with the wooden kid that came to life – or we think of the British game where everyone wears the white pants and sweaters. What could possibly be high-tech about that, right?

 Well, think again. Reebok has done many things for running, football and basketball, so why wouldn’t the company do something for the game of cricket. In fact, Reebok is actually one of the leading sportswear brands that, along with the International Cricket Council, has helped energize the game with some technical innovations for the team from India. This includes the futuristic Reebok ZigTech Bats, footwear and trainers. Just in time for the Cricket World Cup 2011 this year, Reebok has outfitted the Indian cricket team with “Zig-Sonic” equipped gear that helps reduce wear and tear in the leg muscles during training. Reebok’s ZigTech shoes have been called “engery drinks for your feet,” and now it seems like the drink is available in a curry flavor.  This same zig is being incorporated into the “on field” shoes, which have also been designed to meet the needs of the individual player’s patterns and foot movements. The game has clearly come a long way from simple white sweaters and wooden bats.

Reebok Zigs and Zags With New Running Shoes

Are these really "energy drinks for your feet?" We'll find out soon.

Injuries with running often occur when you zig when you  should have zagged, but now zigging and zagging is something to reduce the load on your leg muscles. Reebok has developed a new form of soles utilizing that it calls the ZigTech, a type of zig-zag foam. According to the company’s press release “ZigTech allows your key leg muscles to do less, so you can do more. Simply put, it’s like an energy drink for your feet.”

We’ve seen (and even tested) a few different running shoes, and these are something a bit different. Also notable is that the ZigTech shoes will retail for $100 when the brand hits stores later this month. We’ll be interested to see whether this will give us the zip we’re after.

Reebok ZigTech Site