Weekend Reading List (3.10.2012): Sports Doping’s Future?, Kick Starter for Gravel Ride, RC basement Dig Out, and Black Sabbath and a Tesla Coil

Could this be the next level of performance enhancing for sports?

Flow has been maddeningly difficult to pin down, let alone harness, but a wealth of new technologies could soon allow us all to conjure up this state. The plan is to provide a short cut to virtuosity, slashing the amount of time it takes to master a new skill – be it tennis, playing the piano or marksmanship.

New Scientist: Zap your brain into the zone: Fast track to pure focus

Gravel Metric Gets Kick Started

The Gravel Metric is a 62 mi gravel bike ride in DeKalb, IL. Each year, we create a short promotional video to create energy and excitement about our event. This will be our third year, and the video we have planned calls for a larger budget, a larger cast, and a larger production.

Kick Starter: The GRAVEL METRIC Video Project

Big Enough Dig

Excavating a basement using professional machinery is nothing new but doing it with radio controlled (RC) scaled models is something unheard of. Welcome to the little big world of Joe, from Saskatchewan, Canada.

Car Scoop: Canadian digs out basement with RC equipment

I Am Tesla Man…

This next video is potentially even cooler than the Doctor Who theme performance: ArcAttack do sections of Black Sabbath’s “Iron Man” on their Singing Tesla Coils.


Tor.com: ArcAttack Make Their Tesla Coils Do “Iron Man” by Black Sabbath

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