Update Your Profile

RZ2While many people might update their Facebook profile, Profile Design’s RZ2 frame-mounted bottle system will help improve the profile of a bicycle – and even improve the aerodynamics in the process. This 14-ounce bottle features a contoured shape with recessed hand grips, integrated cap that twists off for easy cleaning, an injection composite cage and is BPA free. It mounts to standard bottle cage bosses and weighs 141 grams.

Profile Design RZ2 System Official Website

It’s in the XLAB Aero Bag

Even wearing jerseys with three pockets, many cyclists will find that there’s just not enough room to tote along the essentials. It’s also easier to put a few tools in a gear bag and keep it on the bike to stay handy. That’s where the new line of Aero Bags from XLAB come in handy. The line of bags discretely stay strapped to the bike, and actually help reduce drag. Continue reading It’s in the XLAB Aero Bag