Water Launcher

XLAB-Torpedo-Hydration-SystTorpedoes can blast through the water, and now the XLAB Torpedo Hydration System 400 can deliver water right on target to cyclists on time trial and triathlon bikes. This 26-ounce BPA-free aero bottle offers a carbon mount, carbon cage and even includes a color-coordinated bite valve and spacers.

It offers two straw potions for riders, includes a bike valve that allows for fluid intake only and features a solid refill lid for adding powders, tablets for sport drink mixes. The refill area is even behind the computer to avoid any spills or mishaps.

XLAB Torpedo Hydration System 400 Official Website

It’s in the XLAB Aero Bag

Even wearing jerseys with three pockets, many cyclists will find that there’s just not enough room to tote along the essentials. It’s also easier to put a few tools in a gear bag and keep it on the bike to stay handy. That’s where the new line of Aero Bags from XLAB come in handy. The line of bags discretely stay strapped to the bike, and actually help reduce drag. Continue reading It’s in the XLAB Aero Bag